Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Time Management While Teaching

When one starts to teach one of the basic worries would be if the material he has with him is sufficient for the duration of the class. The question of how content to be delivered would be driven by the two conflicts objectives, one is to have enough to last the duration of the class (the worst situation most beginners would dread would be that you are thru with your content and you still have a good half an hour to go...) and second to see that you are not overloading the class with too much of content....the choice of the "how much" is very important and so is what to emphasize .

I time management is a skill which one develops as he gains experince by teaching more, though as a beginner what one cannot afford to do less is PLAN. I have know teachers who plan their lectures minute by minute, even the jokes which they use would be prepared in advance....Even though that level of planning might lead to a certain amount of monotony in the lecture , but it is a small price to be paid for a beginner...

At the other end most of us who have been teaching would also have experienced situations wherein one would lose track of time, and suddenly you find that half an hour has gone.......

One of my senior colleagues who has many years of teaching experince gave me a very beautiful analogy when he compared teaching to meditation , he said when you are fully involved in any activity and focusing only on it, it is equivalent to meditating , I guess that is what happens when one looses track of time while teaching .....

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