Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ken Robinson on Finding your passion

Have been reading his new book 'The Element' and I would say the book should be put on the must read list of books for teachers. He questions the way we quantify and measure intelligence, forcing us to question the standard measures of assessing the worth of a child. He reinforces the point which some of us do believe in at some point in time that every child has something which he is good and it is our job to identify it and nurture it. When I say 'our job' it would mean both as a parent and more so as a teacher.

I have always made an attempt to observe my own students outside the classroom context - in college events, plays, games .... because many a times one would see a student who would not be willing to interact in the class to be very active in these places, and you as a teacher see a dimension which you would not have you not seen him outside the classroom context. Enough from my end , Ken Robinson's TED talk

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