Typically when one thinks about teaching it is seen more as a process of giving , usually 'gyan' being transferred from the teacher to the students. Though the case method would be different with the emphasis more on student to student transfer of knowledge...
But coming back to the older paradigm , I have felt that even in a typical lecture it is a two process. Two way in the sense that the participation level of students in the class both in terms of prior preparation as well as receptivity of the participants would influence the delivery. Participation need not necessarily be only verbal, it can be non-verbal cues that a teacher is looking for when he is teaching.
Though one factor which would influence the students willingness to participate in the class would be the rapport which the teacher has with the students.....
I teach Sales Management , and feel that teaching and sales management are also closely related, one parallel would the fact that both of them sell for a living, as a teacher you are selling your course or yourself as a teacher, but other thing in common is that in both sales as well as teaching results are known immediately. As a salesman one need not be told through a review process whether he has done well, at the end of the day he would know on his own. Similarly a teacher would most of the times know how he has done in the class by the time it ends, though formal feedback system does help....
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