Thursday, January 24, 2008

Should a teacher ever get angry?

In my opinion that as a teacher one carries more responsibility than most of us realize. The word and conduct of a teacher can and will influence the morale and confidence of students. And as a teacher one has to be very careful when he comments or gives his opinion on anything related to the student could be his work, his abilities, his behavior because the student when he listens to him doesn’t take the comment as being given by an individual (Mr XYZ) in his individual capacity but sees it as a judgment by the teacher on his student.

The problem with getting angry while teaching is that one usually doesn’t think much when he is angry so what is says may not be totally thought through and could have adverse impact on students. He would end up losing the focus of teaching and would take time to refocus. And the major issue I feel is that in the process of getting angry with one student the teacher also makes the remaining students uncomfortable and thus loss of focus on the part of the students as well.

So all in all as teacher one has to avoid getting angry, though this should not leading to a chaotic situation in the class. So he has to be on the thin line of controlling the class and not loosing his temper.....


vsquare said...

I liked this piece on From being a presenter to a teacher... You've written with a lot of depth.

I was going thru' your profile and wondering why you (and some other people) are members of a group 'Not much into music.' Isn't music enriching?

Rajesh Aithal said...


About the music part i think some people are born tone deaf. I have tried dabbling into music , but realized early that I was never meant to appreciate music....

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