Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The virtuous cycle of teaching and enjoyment

When i thought of a blog on teaching, motivation was more of consolidating my own thoughts on many issues which I would think about while teaching. And many a times this thinking is fueled by comments which come from my interaction with people who have been teaching for a long period.

One such instance was a few days back when one of our senior Prof said " One should enjoy his teaching, and his or her students should enjoy the teaching , and this is what makes a teacher enjoy teaching". Which essentially meant that to enjoy teaching (from a teachers perspective) his or her students should enjoy what is being taught............

The context in which the statement was made was the amount of preparation which is needed before a class. With increasing teaching load one tends to make zero or very small incremental preparation for his classes and in the class he goes and reproduces what he told last time , in the process the teacher himself losses interest in what he is teaching and the students also stop enjoying and thus the vicious cycle kicks in .......

It is essential that one is able to prevent stagnation and maintain freshness in classes to prevent loss of interest ....both his own and as well as his students

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